Energy and Meteorology Portal


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Type: Technical Webinar

Topics: Provenance and reproducibility

About the event: Provenance and reproducibility are two important requirements for analytics workflows in the Open Science landscape. Indeed, handling provenance at different levels of granularity and during the entire experiment lifecycle is key to properly and flexibly manage lineage information related to large-scale experiments as well as enabling reproducibility scenarios. The webinar introduces a […]

Type: Launch Event

Topics: Technical publication

About the event: This side event served as a platform to launch the joint publication by WMO and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), providing both a high-level and technical overview of the report. During the 1-hour event the publication’s crucial findings was presented, followed by a detailed presentation of its technical aspects and discussion around […]

Type: COP

Topics: Science, policy, investment, technology

About the event: Climate change is a major challenge confronting all countries worldwide. To tackle this issue, transitioning towards a low-carbon energy system and promoting carbon neutrality emerge as pivotal measures. Achieving global carbon neutrality is an intricate and demanding endeavor, requiring comprehensive and systematic actions. With the aim of advancing global carbon neutrality, this […]

Type: COP

Topics: Policy, technology, investment, science

About the event: This one-hour session provided a platform for in-depth discussions rooted in climate science, aiming to mitigate the diverse impacts of climate change on the energy sector across different regions. Emphasizing the critical role of timely and reliable weather, water, and climate data and services, panelists explored their significant role in informing decision-making […]

Type: Forum

Topics: Policy, technology, science

About the event The International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum showcased innovative solutions and best practices to accelerate and inclusive energy transition and contribute to global climate action, catalyzing the needed progress to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The forum was co-organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO), the Austrian Government and the International Institute for […]

Type: Technical Webinar

About the event:  Weather and climate information is increasingly being used in the energy sector. There are many great examples of it being used to effectively predict and manage energy supply and demand. However, there are still gaps in our knowledge of this intersection, and ways of improving how weather and climate data can be […]