Energy and Meteorology Portal


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Type: Technical Webinar

About the event:  Weather and climate information is increasingly being used in the energy sector. There are many great examples of it being used to effectively predict and manage energy supply and demand. However, there are still gaps in our knowledge of this intersection, and ways of improving how weather and climate data can be […]

Type: Launch Event

About the event: The WMO 2022 State of Climate Services report focuses on the issue of energy, a subject that continues to dominate discussion and debate as it affects every single community, business, sector, and economy, in all parts of the world. Reaching net zero by 2050 will mean a complete transformation of our global […]

Type: COP

Topics: Policy

About the event: Climate change is urging global structural shifts in the energy systems infrastructure. Across the sector, there is a need for building climate resilience comprehensively, with emphasis on both the extant and emerging sources of energy, along with addressing vulnerabilities throughout the whole value chain. Managing disaster resilience of the energy assets, renewable […]

Type: Launch Event

About the event The ”2022 State of the Climate Services: Energy Report” prepared by WMO and 25 partner organizations and initiatives, highlights progress made in climate services for energy globally and identifies where and how governments can invest in effective climate services to strengthen countries’ resilience to multiple weather, water, and climate-related hazards. Bringing together both […]

Type: Forum

Topics: Science based

About the event: Imperial Enterprise Lab, Tsinghua University and the Technical University of Munich worked with 16 global university partners and brought together hundreds of students and alumni from all over the world through a 10-day programme to grow their international network, gain new skills and create new ideas that address one of the greatest […]