Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience
- Improving risk assessment and information to support decision-making. Raising awareness and building the capacity of relevant decision-makers by ensuring that data on past and projected natural hazards are available and accessible. This can be supported by undertaking high-level risk assessments to identify the exposure of existing infrastructure.
- Screening and factoring climate risks into public investments. When investing in or commissioning infrastructure, governments can require contractors and suppliers to demonstrate they have considered climate risks.
- Enabling infrastructure resilience through policy and regulation. The private sector’s incentives for adaptation are shaped by the policy and regulatory environment. Governments can facilitate climate-resilient infrastructure by removing policy or regulatory distortions or adding regulatory requirements to consider climate risks.
- Encouraging climate risk disclosure. Governments can facilitate climate risk disclosure by encouraging reporting when there are gaps in existing voluntary privately-led initiatives, supporting a common framework at the international level and using this information when planning climate adaptation at the national level.

Figure 1. Impacts for Climate Change on infrastructure asset financial performance. Source: ADB-GCS, 2021
Sophisticated approaches, such as Real Options Analysis or Strategic Decision Making, can be helpful if the appropriate decision is highly sensitive to the climate outcome. More details on the range of decision-making tools available and their applications are provided by Vallejo and Mullan (2017a) and the ADB report (2015).
- It is cheaper than to delay action
- Delay may lock in future vulnerabilities
- Current benefits are large
- Implementation of adaptation measures are costly and/or time consuming.
The benefits of resilient electricity systems with weather-proofed infrastructures are much greater than the costs of accounting for weather and climate risks in the planning phase in most of the scenarios considering the growing impacts of climate change. In the Lifelines: In the Resilient Infrastructure Opportunity report (Hallegate 2019), it is estimated that a $4.2 trillion net benefit is achieved on average for low- and middle-income countries, with $4 in benefit for each $1 invested. According to the World Bank and the GFDRR (Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery), if the actions needed for resilience are delayed by ten years, the cost will almost double (Hallegate, 2019).
Texas Power Outages due to 2021 cold storm (Golding et al 2021).
The record-breaking cold snap in mid-February 2021 caused major outages throughout Texas. A systemic approach to understanding the compounding events was needed, as the energy value chain is a complex and interdependent mechanism, and not a single piece is the sole source of the devastating event.
- Loss of at least 111 lives. Widespread damage to homes and businesses, foregone economic activity, and contaminated water supplies.
- Cost to Texas economy: between $80 and $130 billion (direct and indirect) although calculations come with significant uncertainty. Estimates of insured losses, which are easier to quantify, range from $10 to $20 billion.
- Using a Value of Lost Load (VOLL) estimate of $4.3 billion, and accounting for the once-in-a-decade frequency of sub-zero temperatures in Texas, winterizing measures and other actions should be equal to or less than $430 million annually.
- ADB (2015). Economic analysis of climate-proofing investment projects. Report. Asian Development Bank (ADB) ISBN: 9789292570774
- ADB and GCS (2021) A system-wide approach for infrastructure resilience. Technical Note. Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Global Center of Adaptation (GCA). ISBN 978-92-9262-694-5.
- ClimInvest 2020 Physical Climate risk Assessment factsheet Online accessed 30-09-2022
- Golding, G., Kumar, A., Mertens, K. 2021. Cost of Texas’ 2021 Deep Freeze Justifies Weatherization. Dallas Fed. Economic analysis and insights from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas -Energy
- Fankhauser, S. 2016. Adaptation to Climate Change, Annual Reviews of Resource Economics, doi10.1146/annurev-resource-100516-033554
- Hallegatte, Stephane; Rentschler, Jun; Rozenberg, Julie. 2019. Lifelines: The Resilient Infrastructure Opportunity. Sustainable Infrastructure; Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO
- UN-DDR. 2015. Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015–2030. In: UN world conference on disaster risk reduction, 2015 March 14–18, Sendai, Japan. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva
- Vallejo, L. and M. Mullan (2017), "Climate-resilient infrastructure: Getting the policies right", OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 121, OECD Publishing, Paris,
- GCA. 2021. A system-wide approach for infrastructure resilience. Global Center on Adaptation (GCA).