Weather and Climate Services for Net-Zero Energy Transition: case studies in Costa Rica and Chile
Thursday, 4 April 2024, Online, 14:00-15:30 UTC
English-Spanish interpretation is available
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The WMO energy mini-projects initiative provides the required technical support to WMO Members by developing and implementing advanced weather, water, and climate services for the energy sector, aimed at supporting countries in their massive transition towards more resilient and renewable energy systems. This initiative is responding to the COP28 call upon Members to triple the capacity of renewables and double energy efficiency by 2030 and is a support to Members to achieve net-zero energy transition by 2050.
WMO Energy mini projects initiative is characterized as small-scale, science-based, and low-budget projects to develop scalable demonstration products based on specific needs of WMO members. These projects involve collaboration between academia, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS), and other national stakeholders in the energy sector, such as ministries of energy.
As we successfully conclude the first two WMO energy mini projects, one in Costa Rica and another in Chile, the latter being developed and implemented under the ENANDES regional project in South America, we aim to disseminate the results of our work and showcase the final products through this technical webinar. The developed methodology in these projects can be replicated in other countries facing similar challenges.
Materials and resources:
- Link to the recording
- Link to the presentation on case study in Costa Rica
- Link to the presentation on case study in Chile
- Link to the presentation on the operational tool in Chile by the Ministy of Energy of Chile