Energy and Meteorology Portal

WMO supports Net Zero Energy Transition

The World Meteorological Organization is stepping up its activities to promote tailored weather and climate information and forecasts to support the transition to renewable energy and away from polluting fossil fuels.

Reaching net zero by 2050 will mean a complete transformation of our global energy system, with a switch to lower emissions electricity production and increased energy efficiency.

But the transition to clean energy calls for investment in improved weather, water and climate services that can be used to ensure that our energy infrastructure is resilient to climate-related shocks, to inform on measures to increase energy efficiency across multiple sectors, and to harness renewable sources of energy. 

A new WMO publication, Integrated Weather and Climate Services in Support of Net Zero Energy Transition provides guidelines and examples of best practices of these services. It harnesses the expertise of nearly 50 authors coordinated by the WMO services commission Study group for Integrated energy services.

“This publication provides well-timed support for this crucial decade of energy transition to net zero. By enabling WMO Members and their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, as well as energy sector companies and practitioners, to deliver and use integrated weather and climate services, national strategies on clean and sustainable energy for all can be achieved in a timely and effective manner,”  says Prof. Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary-General.

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