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Provides solar and meteorological data sets from NASA research for support of renewable energy, building energy efficiency and agricultural needs.
Global Dam Watch is an international collaboration which aims to improve our understanding of the costs and benefits of dams to our world by providing open access data and tools focused on dams and reservoirs.
Teal tool is an interactive visualization tool that allows you to explore climate variables from 1950-to present and carbon emissions from 1960. It also allows to explore projections of climate variables from 2015 to 2100 for three different GHG emission scenarios (‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ emissions). It also provides a global map with climate and […]
The Climate Information Portal is developed by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
The set of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Script Tools for Renewable Energy zoning enables stakeholders to customize the zoning analysis by changing parameters and input files to meet the specific needs of each stakeholder or to best represent the country context. It allows the calculation of zone attributes and the outputs can be used to […]
The Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) is NRELs flagship capacity planning model for the power sector. The model simulates the evolution of the bulk power system—generation and transmission—from present day through 2050 or later. It informs a wide range of electricity sector research questions. These include clean energy policy, renewable energy integration, technology innovation, and […]
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