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Drawing on real experiences, this online resource provides a blueprint for building dynamic resilience to extreme weather events. 10 learning reviews identify the system failures triggered by extreme weather events, the impacts these failures, and lessons learnt from mitigation and recovery.
Nice Case Studies demonstrating how the use of improved climate forecasts, out to several months ahead, can add practical and economic value to decision-making processes and outcomes in both the energy and water sectors.
Eight case studies have been prepared in the project S2S4E to demonstrate the potential of the forecasts used in the Decision Support Tool (DST). The case studies analyze extreme events that occured in the past and present S2S4E forecasts that could have been available, to see if the forecasts could have added value to decision-making […]
These documented case studies will help to disseminate and transfer information, engage decision-makers, and better recognize barriers to adaptation within the energy sector in order to overcome them.
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